Παρασκευή 26 Ιουνίου 2020

American Hellenic Institute Calls for a More Active U.S. Presence in Eastern Mediterranean, Warns of Potential Crisis

WASHINGTON, DC American Hellenic Institute (AHI) President Nick Larigakis wrote to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to convey the Institute’s grave concern about Turkey’s demonstrated willingness to cause instability in the Eastern Mediterranean and called on the United States to have a more active presence there to safeguard U.S. interests and to avoid a potential crisis.
“Our concern lies in understanding Turkey’s habits during times of crisis or major distraction,” Larigakis wrote, a reference to the international community’s focus on the coronavirus pandemic, and additionally in the U.S., social unrest.
To demonstrate Turkey’s alarming behavior, Larigakis provides a litany of examples of Turkish provocations and aggression in the letter’s addendum, and cites instances of Turkish inflammatory rhetoric, a majority of which have occurred since January, including a multitude in June.
“Each of the acts presented in the addendum, from the Turkey-Libya MoU, to threats to the sovereignties and exclusive economic zones of Greece and Cyprus, to Turkey’s acquisition of the S-400 missile defense system, must be seen within the context of the Blue Homeland doctrine which President Erdogan has espoused,” Larigakis wrote. “The doctrine holds that Turkey will assert its own version, lawful or not, of its sovereign rights in the sea and land of the area using any means at its disposal, including military means.”
(map via @ConflictsW)
In the letter, Larigakis recalled Secretary Pompeo’s January statement that the United States will “keep supporting [Greece’s] prosperity, your security, and your democracy.”
“We strongly contend Turkey’s acts of aggression threaten Greece’s security and prosperity, and we believe now is the time for the United States to back that statement,” Larigakis wrote.
AHI also called on the Administration to support bipartisan legislation in Congress that would require a comprehensive assessment of the U.S.-Turkey relationship. 


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